Here at mazepa.name we have collected a wide range of documents on Ivan Mazepa
Archival sources, unexplored history aspects, papers of both well-known and young scientist — we are interested in Ivan Mazepa figure and glad to share our findings.
Ivan Mazepa in history
Exhibits from Moscow Kreml exhibition related to the Great Nothern War — →
Портрет короля Карла XII. Невідомий західноєвропейський художник. Перша чверть XVIII ст. Портрет Петра I. Невідомий художник. Росія, близько 1816 р. Офіцерський драгунський палаш. Данія, початок XVIII ст. Палаш у ножнах. Швеція, початок XVIII ст.. More...
Ivan Mazepa as viewed by contemporaries — →
Contributed by Olga Kovalevska. De La Neville. Notes about Muscovy. 1689. "This prince is not handsome but he is very educated person and he speaks Latin perfectly. He is the Cossack by origin and he was at court of the king Kazimierz…" See: V. Sichyns'kyi. Foreigners about Ukraine. — К.: Dovira, 1992. — page 120 Russian resident in Poland. 1700. More...
Geopolitical drawings of hetman Mazepa — →
Already during three centuries the polemic disputes do not cease around the plans and actions of the outstanding Ukrainian statesman and politician, in effect, the last plenipotentiary hetman of Ukraine — Ivan Mazepa. І. The definitions made by Peter I with regard to Ivan Mazepa immediately after his change to the Swedish side and introduced into the scientific circulation by D. Bantysh-Kamensky became like a tuning-fork of the imperial historiography in Russia. More...