Monographs and popular-science publications
Latest topics in "History"
Excavations at Baturyn, Ukraine, in 2019. →
This report on the archaeological research in Baturyn last summer by Dr. Volodymyr Mezentsev is placed in the “Library” section in PDF format with illustrations. It is an off-print from the bulletin of the Canadian Committee of Byzantinists Canadio-Byzantina, No. 31, University of Ottawa, January 2020, pp. 10-15, republished here with the permission of the author. Our colleague, Dr. Mezentsev, regularly presents his articles and booklets on the history and culture of Ivan Mazepa’s capital at this website.
Excavations at Baturyn in 2016-2017 ceramic adornments of hetman architecture →
Volodymyr Mezentsev, Ph. D.
CIUS, Toronto
(Published in Ukrainian Echo (Toronto), Vol. 31, No. 28, October 17, 2017, pp. 1-2.)
Excavations at Baturyn in 2016 →
This report on the archaeological research in Baturyn last summer by Dr. Volodymyr Mezentsev is placed in the “Library” section in PDF format with illustrations. It is an off-print from the bulletin of the Canadian Committee of Byzantinists Canadio-Byzantina, No. 28, University of Ottawa, January 2017, pp. 12-16, republished here with the permission of the author. Our colleague, Dr. Mezentsev, regularly submits his articles and booklets on the history and culture of Ivan Mazepa’s capital to this website.
Theophan Prokopovich and the Swedes (Information essay) →
In Swedish state archive, in the deeds “riddarhusarchivet” (records of the secret commission dated 3 and 6 February 1727) there is one document which sheds light on the relations of Theophan Prokopovich with the Swedes. This document has been found by the well-known Swedish historian Harald Hjärne and published with relevant explanations in the anniversary collection dedicated to C.G. Malmström.
Borys Krupnyts’kyi. Theophan Prokopovich and the Swedes
Gun art foundry in Hetmanship at the times of Ivan Mazepa governance →
The illustrated issue covers the representative functions, symbolism, ornamental “repertoire” of the art guns made in the Left-Bank Hetmanship in the last quarter of XVII – beginning of XVIII century. On the basis of the preserved artillery pieces of Ukrainian origin, the stylistic features of the gun tubes decoration in the times of “Mazepa baroque” were analyzed.
For historians, art historians, armoury experts and all interested in the past of Ukraine.
Розділ 1. Репрезентативні функції художніх гарматних стволів
Розділ 2. Символіка художніх зображень на гарматах
Розділ 3. Орнаментальний «репертуар» гарматних стволів
Розділ 4. Емблематичні, гербовані та епіграматичні вірші на гарматних стволах
Розділ 5. Технологія декорування гарматних стволів
Розділ 6. Стилістичні особливості глухівських майстрів-гарматників
Список використаних джерел і літератури
Іменний покажчик
Ivan Mazepa in questions and answers →
The reader will find in this book short but exhaustive answers to principal questions concerning the figure of Ivan Mazepa, the Ukrainian hetman in 1687-1709, he will learn about interesting historic facts, historical and cultural monuments connected to him, about literature, painting and music in which his image is reproduced.
In order to understand the material better, the chronology of I. Mazepa life and activity is proposed, the lists of basic and additional reference literature are added which will permit to familiarize in more detail with this outstanding person in the Ukrainian history.
The edition is designed for school children, students, teachers and everyone who is interested in history of Ukraine.
Мазепа — фрагмент праці, російською мовою →
Документ розміщено із люб’язної згоди автора та видавництва.
В серии “ЖЗЛ” вышла биография Ивана Мазепы (1639–1709), гетмана Украины, политического деятеля, дипломата и мецената. Автор рассказывает о культурной среде украинского возрождения конца XVII — начала XVIII века. Ярким ее представителем был Мазепа — поэт, покровитель архитектуры, книгоиздания, просвещения и богословия. Двадцать лет, на протяжении которых он возглавлял Украину, стали периодом экономического расцвета, укрепления государственного управления в рамках автономии и многочисленных военных походов, включая взятие Кизикирмена, Азова и Замостья.
Правление Мазепы — это период, когда нарастали противоречия между Гетманщиной и создававшейся Российской империей. Реформы Петра, усугубившиеся тяготами Северной войны, привели к трагическим для Украины и России событиям, в центре которых оказалась и судьба Мазепы.
Таирова-Яковлева Т. Г. Мазепа. – М.: Молодая гвардия, 2007. – 271 с.: ил. – (Жизнь замечательных людей: Сер. биогр.; вып. 1041). Фрагменты. More…