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Latest topics in "History"
Two articles in the «Library» →
Two new publications have been added to the heading “Library”. This is the work of the noted Ukrainian historian Borys Krupnyts’kyi “Theophan Prokopovich and the Swedes” published in 1934 and the article of Vasyl Vytvyts’kyi dedicated to the analysis of the Carl Loewe’s musical composition based on works by George Byron. Both publications deserve attention of the curious readers.
Musical project by our website →
In view of the fact that we have already presented to our website visitors the different musical compositions somehow or other linked to the name of Ivan Mazepa or dedicated to him, we considered necessary to present the new project under name “Ukrainian chant of XVII–XVIII centuries”.
Ідея полягала в тому, аби сприяти формуванню загального уявлення відвідувачів сайту про музичну культуру мазепинських часів, у тому числі, мати можливість почути ті твори, які колись виконував сам Іван Мазепа у супроводі старосвітського інструменту, що називався торбан.
New relics of Mazepa age →
Under the heading “Museum” a new publication dedicated to the antiques from Mazepa age kept by the museums all over the world appeared.
Two articles under “Social and political essays” →
The heading “Social and political essays” is completed with two published articles: “Magic circle of Poltava anniversaries” by Olga Kovalevska and “Relations of Ivan Mazepa with Walachia and Moldova authorities» by Vyacheslav Stanislavs’kyi.
New links in “Audio and video” →
Music and movie section update: sharing with found movies “Between two abysses“ by К. Krasniy and “Ivan Mazepa“ by D. Zhuravlev. Additionally, you can easily download the album of Mykola Budnyk “Hey, at the Black Sea“ which contains historical song about Mazepa and Palyi.
We do not encourage the piracy. If you like the download, please buy the original product.
About patriotism and service to the authorities →
In mid May 2010 Vadym Romanovych Viksnin, noted violin maker, musician, member of the Ukrainian Music Union, member of the Association of artists-makers of the strings and bow instruments got in contact with us. He informed us that he made a replica of the hetman Ivan Mazepa’s torban and he has an intent to hand over this musical instrument to one of the Ukrainian museums and he asked us to support him in this issue. More…
Like the devil from holy water →
The monument to the hetman Ivan Mazepa in Poltava was not finally erected to the Ukraine Independence Day. The city authorities yet again deceived the people and the activists of the Ukrainian social society organizations and movements which expected the appearance of the memorial.