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Latest topics in "History"
Five publications under the headings “Library” and “History” →
New published materials are added to the headings “Library” and “History” of the site “Ivan Mazepa name”. These are “Mazepa and Petro Ivanenko (Petryk) uprising” and “Verses by N. Poplons’kyi 1691” by Olexandr Ohloblyn, “Battles near Lisny and Poltava according to the diary of the Swedish lieutenant F. von Veillet” by Veniamin Kordt and the novel in verses “Mazepa’s confession” by Andryi Gudyma. Крім того, у підрозділі «Біографія Мазепи» з’явилася стаття Ольги Ковалевської «Ivan Mazepa married widow».
“Ivan Mazepa and the European context” Exhibition in Prague →
On December 26, 2009 in Prague in the premise of the well-known Slavic library the exhibition titled “Ivan Mazepa and the European context” was opened. The particularity of this event consists in fact that this is the first post-war exhibition in Czech Republic which is dedicated to one of the most attractive and most famous representatives of Ukraine in Europe — Ivan Mazepa. В експозиції виставки представлено численні літературні, музичні та мистецькі твори, присвячені йому або його добі. Докладніше читайте на сайті «Радіо Свобода»
“Hetman”. Presentation →
On December 8, 2009 in the bookstore “Ye” the publishing house “Tempora” presented the publishing project “Hetman” dedicated to Ivan Mazepa. We propose to your attention the report in photos of this event.
Heading “Movies”, new materials →
At once five new articles made a start of the section “Movies” (since February 2010 this section has the heading “Video and audio”), which complemented “Mazepiana”. This is the list of the movies dedicated to Ivan Mazepa, photos from the shooting site of the movie “Prayer for hetman Mazepa”, shots from rare movies shoot in 1909 and 1914 , as well as the modern movie “Ukrainian ways: from Sumy to Baturyn» produced by «Akademia-TV» studio in 2008.
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Novelties under the heading “Library” →
The versions of materials from the international scientific conference “, as well as the index ““Mazepiana: materials to the bibliography (1688-2009)“. arranged by Olga Kovalevska appeared under the “Library” heading. More…
New version of our website →
Today the new version of the siteis started. The necessity of updating was obvious already for a long time and we are glad to present you our materials in a new form. The old version is transferred to the archive.
Нове у розділі «Історія» / Архів →
До розділу «Історія» додано збірник наукових праць «Гетьман Іван Мазепа: постать, оточення, епоха» у форматі PDF.